2024-2025 Officers
Left to Right: State President – John Carochi, Trustee - Jenny Cristelli, Trustee – Randy Kuretich,
Orator – Rick Romano, Vice President – James Toto, President – Bill Scutti,
Financial Secretary – Cathy Rigirozzi, Treasure – Rosie Scutti, Mistress of Ceremonies – Jean Toto, Recording Secretary – Carol Dunn, Trustee – Ray Dunn, – Guard – Ted Stenzel, Trustee – Ed Westwater
Not Pictured: Trustee - Marlowe Cassetti
Arbitrators - Larry Allen, Dominic Carochi, Virginia Rankin, Frank Pegoraro,
Christa Brunton
State Officers Pictured: State President - John Carochi, State First Vice President - James Toto,
State Treasurer - Jenny Cristelli
2020-2023 Officers
President-Bill Scutti, Vice President- James Toto, Immediate Past President- John Rigirozzi, Orator- Rick Romano, Recording Secretary- Carol Dunn, Financial Secretary- Cathy Rigirozzi, Treasure- Rosie Scutti, Mistress of Ceremonies- Jean Toto, Master of Ceremonies- Richard Carochi, Guard- Sue Grisenti, State President- John Carochi, Trustees:- Carmen DeBiaso, Marlowe Cassetti, Ray Dunn, Jenny Cristelli, Ed Westwater, Arbitrators:-Mike Merlino, Larry Allen, Dominic Carochi, Virginia Rankin, Frank Pegoraro
Appointed by the President
Lodge Chaplain- Virginia Rankin, Committee Chair and Events Coordinator- John Carochi Historians:-Carmem DeBiaso, Richard Carochi
2017-2018 Officers
President- Bill Scutti, Vice President- Rick Romano, Immediate Past President- John Rigirozzi, Orator- Jim Toto, Recording Secretary- Cathy Rigirozzi, Financial Secretary- Rosie Scutti, Treasurer- Sue Grisenti, Mistress of Ceremony- Jean Toto, Master of Ceremony- Daniel Staffa. Trustees:- Carmem DeBiaso, John Bufmack, Brandon Smith, Vicki Becco, Ray Dunn, Arbitrators:- Mike Merlino, Larry Allen, Dominic Carochi, Virginia Rankin, Frank Pegoraro
Appointed by the President:
Lodge Chaplain-Virginia Rankin, Committee Chair and Events Coordinator- John Carochi, Lodge Historians:- Carmen DeBiaso, Richard Carochi
2017 - 2018 Officers Royal Gorge Lodge #2866
Standing left to right - James Toto, Jean Toto, John Bufmack, Rick Romano, Daniel Staffa, Brandon Smith, Bill Scutti, Ray Dunn, John Rigirozzi
Seated left to right - Kathy Rigirozzi, Rosie Scutti, Sue Crisenti, Carmen DeBiaso, Virginia Rankin
2015 - 2016 Officers
President - Bill Scutti, Vice President - Rick Romano, Orator - Jim Toto,
Recording Secretary - Cathy Rigirozzi, Financial Secretary - Rosie Scutti,
Treasurer - Sue Grisenti, Mistress of Ceremony - Jean Toto
Master of Ceremony- Brandon Smith, Past President- John Rigirozzi
Trustees: Ray Dunn, John Bufmack, Carmen DiBiaso, Vicki Becco, Arbitrators: Dominic Carochi, Virginia Rankin, Donna Molello, Frank Pegoraro
Appointed by the President:
Lodge Chaplain - Virginia Rankin, Committee Chairman and Events Coordinator - John Carochi,
Lodge Historians - Carmen DiBiaso and Richard Carochi
Initiation of Original Royal Gorge Lodge #2866 Officers
2011-2012 Officers
Photo October, 2010
Front Row Left to right -
Bill Scutti - President, Rosie Scutti - Financial Secretary, Cathy Rigirozzi-Trustee, John Rigirozzi-Immediate Past President
Second Row Left to right -
Rick Romano - Vice President, Virginia Rankin - Chaplin, John Carochi - Immediate Past Colorado State President, Anna Paulino - Arbitrator, Dick Carochi - Trustee, Kathy Blair - Recording Secretary, Not pictured Jean Toto - Mistress of Ceremony.
Back Row Left to right -
Gerry Meloni - Treasurer, Dominic Carochi - Arbitrator, Jerry Paulino - Trustee, Marlowe Cassetti-Orator, Jim Carochi- Trustee, Robert Busetti - Master of Ceremony, Not Pictured Jean Toto -Mistress of Ceremony, Not Pictured James Toto - Guard, Not pictrued Ron Bufmack - Trustee